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Comentarios (10)

Goethals - 7 Abril 22:13

Telefono de contacto: 976300164

Jose - 27 Febrero 17:38

Los comentarios, que Robinson niega haber hecho, son anteriores a su entrada en política y a su actual etapa como vicegobernador de Carolina del Norte.

Shelby - 13 Abril 12:44

4 Becky Roberts

Bukovac - 4 Octubre 08:17

What a breath taking cunt. So delicious.

Darracott - 26 Mayo 11:40

I don't have an opinion on this (considering it's really none of my business but I was surprised that intact is preferred over uncircumcised. To me intact sounds kind of. judgmental towards circumcised people? It kind of sounds to me like their penises are somehow inferior? But okay, English is not my native language and I live in a very different culture; the only person I know who is circumcised was circumcised for medical reasons so.