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Comentarios (7)

Mina - 7 Diciembre 15:29

Chica encantadora totalmente natural caliente en la cama implicada para hacerte gozar en la cama. . complaciente, cariñosa, amable soy completissima e

Standafer - 29 Augusto 02:56

Ha participado en diversas películas para adultos y en eventos como el Expo Sexo y Erotismo. En fue seleccionada junto con Nikki Delano y Bridgette B para liderar la fiesta oficial de estrellas porno de la revista estadounidense Hustler en Déjà Vu Showgirls Tijuana.

Cozine - 19 Febrero 22:51

And I'm sure she is well aware of that and seeks to lead an active life with lots of fruits and veggies. But because that aspect alone is emphasized so much in society, she is addressing what so often gets ignored: our need to love ourselves for who we are. This is something that many people struggle with, especially when doctors and teachers shame them because of their weight.

Alejandro - 23 Febrero 16:32

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Delfina - 24 Octubre 10:25

Love that she finished stroking his cock and making sure he was a decent guy.

Papadopoulos - 1 Mayo 15:54

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